
Giardia Infection in Pets

Dog sniffing a pond
Giardia are single-celled organisms (protozoa) that can infect both people and pets, such as dogs, cats, and even chinchillas. Giardiasis (the disease caused by Giardia) can lead to diarrhea and occasionally blood in the stool and vomiting. Giardia live in the small intestine and have two lifecycle stages: the first is the cyst stage. These cysts are inactive and shed through feces. Shedding of cysts can last days or even weeks. Once the cysts are ingested by a host, they mature and multiply in the small intestine. These mature parasites go on to produce cysts and the cycle is repeated. Infection occurs when an animal or person accidentally ingests the cysts shed through the feces of an infected animal. Oftentimes, Giardia is transmitted through contact with a contaminated object or environment, such as water or soil that have been tainted with feces. Different species of Giardia infect different animals. From what we know, species that infect dogs do not infect cats and vice versa. It is also quite rare for the dog species to infect humans.

Spaying & Neutering in Cats

Three veterinary professionals treat a cat
Spaying and neutering are sterilization procedures which prevent a pet’s ability to reproduce. “Spay” is the colloquial term for the surgical removal of female reproductive organs and “neuter” is the colloquial term for the removal of male reproductive organs. Kittens are most commonly spayed or neutered as a routine measure to prevent future pregnancies and the development of certain diseases. Spaying and neutering help to save approximately 4 million pet lives each year (the number of unwanted dogs and cats euthanized in animal shelters across the US). Spaying and neutering are highly recommended unless your cat is to be used for breeding. Sometimes, spaying or neutering is a treatment for certain diseases and conditions. For example, unspayed females can develop a life-threatening uterine infection called pyometra that requires emergency surgery to remove the uterus. Males with testicular diseases or injuries, such as testicular torsion or testicular cancer, may also require the removal of their testicles for treatment. An enlarged prostate or a prostatic infection are treated by neutering as well.

Spaying & Neutering in Dogs

Dr. Heather Brausa holding patient
Spaying and neutering are sterilization procedures which prevent a pet’s ability to reproduce. “Spay” is the colloquial term for the surgical removal of female reproductive organs and “neuter” is the colloquial term for the removal of male reproductive organs. Puppies are most commonly spayed or neutered as a routine measure to prevent future pregnancies and the development of certain diseases. Spaying and neutering help to save approximately 4 million pet lives each year (the number of unwanted dogs and cats euthanized in animal shelters across the US). Spaying and neutering are highly recommended unless your dog is to be used for breeding. Sometimes, spaying or neutering is a treatment for certain diseases and conditions. For example, unspayed females can develop a life-threatening uterine infection called pyometra that requires emergency surgery to remove the uterus. Males with testicular diseases or injuries, such as testicular torsion or testicular cancer, may also require the removal of their testicles for treatment. An enlarged prostate or a prostatic infection are treated by neutering as well.

Fever in Dogs and Cats

dog and thermometer
A fever is an abnormally high body temperature. A normal body temperature for a cat or dog is between 100 and 102.5°F (37.8 to 39.2°). A cat or dog is considered to have a true fever if their body temperature ranges from 103 to 106°F (39.5 to 41.1°C). When to see a veterinarian: If your pet has a temperature between 102.5 to 104.5°F (39.2 to 40.3°C), consult your veterinarian. For temperatures above 104.5°F (40.3°C), seek immediate veterinary attention.

Loss of Appetite in Pets

Dog refusing to eat
Any abnormal change in your pet’s eating habits should never be ignored. The medical term for a loss in appetite is called anorexia (not to be confused with the human eating disorder called anorexia nervosa). It can be normal for a picky cat or dog to skip a meal or two so long as they are acting normally otherwise. If the change in appetite is sudden or accompanied by other clinical signs, this can indicate a medical problem.