Pet Stories

Pet stories profile AMC patients battling to regain health. Read and learn about their struggles, their spirit, and the innovative, state-of-the-art care provided by our compassionate veterinary experts.

February 28, 2022


The Schwarzman Animal Medical Center is honored to partner with the Essex County Turtle Back Zoo to treat their jaguar, Rico! Rico recently made the trip to the Schwarzman AMC ...

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  • A cute brown and white puppy plays in some grass
    March 06, 2019


    The Hymowitz family had the privilege to raise a Cavalier King Charles Spaniel named Charlie right along with three kids in their Long Island home. As Charlie grew older, they ...

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  • Lucy the hedgehog
    July 03, 2018

    Lucy the Hedgehog

    Written by Lucy’s owner Lucy is our daughter who just happens to also be an African pygmy hedgehog. When we found her covered in blood, we rushed her to the ...

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